with Gina Citoli
Online Course Coming 2024
A mystical journey into The Tarot, it’s connection to Universal and Natural laws. self-mastery and ascension.
Overtime The Tarot has been touted as a deck of fortune telling cards. However, in my forty years of researching, studying, and being a professional reader, I have learned that this is far from the truth. Its purpose is much greater as it is a journey and a system of self-mastery, universal and natural law and more.
In this ninety-minute introductory class I will introduce you to some history of the Tarot and a more expanded view of the cards than you may have heard before.
I will then share the overall structure and how it breaks down into sections and then go into the details on a few of the Major Arcana Archetypes, what they mean and the universal law each card represents.
I can truly say that the Tarot has been my greatest teacher, they are timeless, and have evolved with me. I am excite to share what I have learned and experienced with you!