The Voice of The Earth Herself!
A Cabaret of Consciousness is a Brave and Beautiful Quest of Promise and Possibilities! It is Humankinds’ Journey of the Hero and Heroine.
A Remembering, Re-imagining, and Discovery of Who We Really Are.

Gina Citoli as Mama Earth is a Force to Be Reckoned With. She Shatters the Old Paradigm of Fear, Transcends the Conditioning of Limitation, and Invites Us to Remember What it Truly Means to be Human.
A Cabaret of Consciousness is Much More than Performance Art.
It is An Exciting Road Map to A Magnificent New Earth!
Where Anything is Possible!
A Cabaret of Consciousness reveals the unlimited powers we have within us that
realign us with the earth and our superluminal consciousness,

Stay Tuned for an Updated Video 2025
Gina Talks About A Cabaret of Consciousness.
This wonderful performance is brimming with inspiring original music and intriguing tales and notions, heartfelt wisdom, and a touch of humor. Combine all this with Gina’s incredible voice and energy, and you have an experience that inspires the human race to aspire to greatness!
A thought provoking and full-on feel-good experience all wrapped into one!
Enlightening, Sensational, Magnificent!
"Gina Citoli has put together a musical that is the most profound and comprehensive message from Mama Earth you have ever heard. A Cabaret of Consciousness is the message of the time for the new earth. The level of professionalism, artistry and full spectrum delivery of this most appropriate message is phenomenal."- Adrian Stewart, Parangello Players, Sedona, AZ
What People are Saying...
Transcendent Truth, Sensational, Magnificent , Entertaining!
"Gina Citoli has masterfully produced a show that is both entertaining and informative. She teaches about personal and universal evolution as well as self-empowerment, through song, stories and facts. Her manner of entertaining/teaching is universal and can be understood by all. J.L - St. Paul, MN
"Gina Citoli's creation A Cabaret of Consciousness is an entire library synthesized into a high-energy one-woman show. And what a show it is! Small Package Outsized Talent!” - - Tay Nunn Perry, Sedona, AZ
"Gina's performance is much more than great musical entertainment, it is simply genius,
She is truly one of the brilliant messengers of today. Loved it!!" "- Christine Cole - Unity of Sedona
"Throughout the day today, I've been musing on last evening's program and sorting through some of the thoughts and feelings that were generated. Gina’s performance was remarkable in a number of ways. Her sustained level of energy and engagement were extraordinary. The philosophical content of the show was well presented. It is not an easy body of information to condense down to an approachable level, but Gina managed to do it well.
- GA- Stockholm, WI.
"Gina is a presence to be reckoned with – combining rock star energy and crystal clear spiritual truth. Gina delivers the goods for the awakening world." - Rev. Cheri Jensen, Senior Minister - Whole Life Center for Spiritual Living- Fort Collins, CO
"This amazing show transports us to our highest consciousness where we can literally hear the voice of the Earth speaking to us. A Cabaret of Consciousness is an inspirational celebration of life!"
-- Carolyn Germaine - Irish Byways Tours St Paul, MN
“Gina was fabulous - what a great voice and personality. Her show is inspiring and uplifting. If you missed it, catch it again on March 22 at Sedona Creative Life Center." - Barbara Litrel - Mental Health Coalition of Verde Valley AZ.
"The performance was phenomenal and entertaining! It had an intense energy and passion that carried throughout. It is a great self-help performance and extremely informative." - Ethan Mollet - River Falls, WI
"Gina Citoli is new in Sedona, but certainly not new to the stage!
She packs a punch with her powerful and compelling tunes and tells stories through her original music
that make us all ponder. I think she has a great future as one of Sedona’s great vocalists and will inspire many with her Cabaret of Consciousness in years to come. I am honored to know her as an artist. She’s a pro!"
- Elyce Monet - President, Parangello Players
"My car seemed to be elevated about two inches off the freeway all the way home. A wonderful presentation with beautiful and contagious energy. It's an idea that will find its audience in amazing ways, I know!! Its time has come!"
- LL
"With effervescence, passion and an astounding set of pipes, Gina Citoli delivers a message of hope to her audience in A Cabaret of Consciousness. Packed with invaluable information, the Cabaret explores the way to better living, higher thinking and a greener path, and all with a sensational soundtrack! Gina throws her heart and soul into this show, and the audience can't help but be inspired." - Kelli Tatum, Exec Director, The WideSpot Performing Arts Center
“Gina gave a totally awesome performance with such heart, and wisdom, and her gorgeous voice. A stellar performance. “ -Sterling Sumaya O'Grady, School of The Violet Flame, Camp Verde AZ
“Gina Citoli’s Sedona Debut of her unique one-woman show “A Cabaret of Consciousness,” Sedona Creative Life Center, uplifted and inspired the audience. I am still shouting “Brava.” Larry Rosenberg - Sedona AZ
"Very important message that needs to go to people all over the world . Tony M.
"A brilliant expression of Spirit. Transcendent, touching, inspiring!" - Dawn Morningstar - Founder of Venerable Women
"Gina Citoli is a spiritual smash. Gina’s energetic performance is backed by solid spiritual truths and stories that combined with music touched us all on many different levels. I can’t imagine a better way for this message to be heard from town to town." - Rev. Michael Ingersoll, Seattle, WA
"What an eye-opener... Gina has a beautiful way of weaving a complex tapestry right before our eyes...and we experience every part of it!" - - Amy S. Tolbert, Ph.D., CSP - ECCO International.
"A Cabaret of Consciousness is one of the shows that is a must see for all ages. Gina's ability to communicate and engage with the audience is nothing like I have ever experienced before. Her voice is like a choir of angels. Gina's sense of humor and her stage presence had me laughing, crying and just purely in a state of bliss. This one woman show was beyond any expectations I could have had.... look out Broadway here she comes!"
-Bridging The Water Gap International Conference Sharon Mullen, Co Creator AquaEssence ReSource, Minneapolis,
"Yours was a powerful, creative, brave and utterly enjoyable performance. It moved me deeply. T Thank you for creating your show and for performing it with such beauty. Gratefully yours" - - Debra Darvick – Sedona AZ
“I had the opportunity to see Gina’s one-woman Cabaret of. She's got style, verve, humor, a great voice and powerfully conscious messages." - Miriam Knight, New Consciousness Review, Portland, OR
"This must go to the masses! Tears filled my eyes through at least 3 different parts... Thank you for the hope, wisdom and inspiration. Miss Gina Citoli!! Broadway better get ready!" - Oasis Center for Conscious Living
The moment Gina came on stage and began to sing, I felt my spirit lift. Throughout the show, I felt inspired and positive. I couldn't help but think what an amazing and talented performer and whispered to my girlfriend... " she belongs on the big stage"! - Jaime Allison Rambo , Brain Gym
"Gina's performance is captivating and inspiring!! She muses you with powerful song and story. Your heart will be filled and your mind will be opened. - Punky Fedora - RES Real Estate - Sponsor
"Gina's Cabaret of Consciousness was a fabulously inspiring and musically entertaining exploration into the realms of higher consciousness from the perspective of the 'Earth" herself. The performance invoked a preciously possible vision of the 'Golden Age', a vision near and dear to my heart!"
- Johnny Light, Manager of Heaven on Earth Retreat – Prescott, AZ.
"This show is a representative and ambassador of a greater reality!"
-Rebekka Swan, Actress & Producer, Ashland OR
"I really enjoyed this performance. It is very educational and should really be addressed as a FAMILY EDUCATIONAL event. Gina is on the right path in educating us all! Her performance is so energetic, her expressions and the way she sings is spellbinding. I love the music and the story telling was fantastic! Gina is a natural performer with such a conscious story to tell, and I love her vision! Hats off to YOU Gina!"
- Christy Hamilton, General Manager, BreakAway Arts Cafe'
"Certainly a Broadway class performance! Gina's voice is captivating and dynamic; with music and lyrics reaching right in and touching your heart, as well as awakening your Spirit . - Jan Billings - Conscious Life Expo - Spokane, WA.
"We loved every minute of Mama Earth! Gina's powerful message and voice were both enlightening and entertaining. We felt empowered and moved to make a difference in this world. Thanks Gina for your love and contribution to the earth and its inhabitants." - Jan and Pete Girad - Minneapolis